From the moment your child is born until they become a young adult, their eyes are continuously developing. Helping them maintain healthy vision is a major key in their development as a student, athlete and overall happiness as a kid.

How upset would they be if they could not see all of those awesome cartoon shows on Saturday mornings or they miss out on making the basketball team because it is too hard for them to focus on the rim to make a bucket?
That is why it is imperative that the early development of your child’s vision is taken seriously and this blog post will give you a few insights on things you need to know.

When your child is first born, it is important to know that your infant's visual system is not fully developed and it could take days, weeks or even months for your child’s vision to fully develop.
Within the first week, your little one can view objects in shades of gray, white and black and this is a result of under-developed tissue of the brain and eyes as an infant.
Myopia(nearsightedness), hyperopia(farsightedness) and presbyopia are common errors found in adults and require eye exams by certified ophthalmologist(MD) and optometrist(OD).

There is a small possibility that your newborn baby will have these refractive errors, but no need to worry, as these eye conditions happen due to a developing retina and will diminish once the retina is fully developed.
Moms: Your child’s vision begins to develop before birth and it is important on how you care for your own body during your pregnancy. This will play a major role in the development of your baby’s body and mind, including the eyes and the vision centers in the brain.

Parents: It is important to find an eye doctor to examine your newborn’s eyes to discover congenital eye disorders, if any. These imperfections occurs when the child is inside the mother’s womb. Once your child is born, doctors will put an antibiotic ointment to the eyes of your infant to restrain the development of eye infections.

Here are a few ways to support your baby’s eye development.
Purchase small toys painted in different colors to stimulate his/her ability to recognize different colors.
Talk with your child as you walk around the room
Use a dim lamp or night light in your baby’s room
There are many other affectionate and loving ways you can help your baby's vision develop. Use your creativity and imagination, and ask your doctor of optometry to suggest other specific activities.
We hope this information was helpful to you and please share this blog with parents you may know, so they are well informed on the development of their child's vision.
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Nothing on should be construed as an attempt to offer or render a medical opinion or otherwise engage in the practice of medicine. Updated: 10.15.2018